Online Etiquette 

Here are some common-sense rules for good online etiquette that will provide a great online learning experience where everyone is clearly understood.

  • Respectful Communication . Remember your instructors and classmates are real people who are sitting at a computer just like you and who can be affected by the words you say and write. If you wouldn't say it to a person's face, don't say it online either.

  • Strong language , all caps and exclamation points. These can appear rude, even if you aren't intending them to be. It's a good idea to read everything aloud if before you send it.

  • Watch humour and sarcasm . While we love your sense of humour, just be clear you are being funny and not rude. Emoticons and smileys can be helpful for this purpose.

  • Grammar and spelling do matter. Keep it formal and professional in an educational setting such as this. Keep the 'textspeak' for friends and social situations.

  • No inappropriate material.

  • Be tolerant. Some people struggle with written communication. Remember how different it is from in-person.

  • Join in. Conversations are as important online, as they are in person. You can show your agreement by a simple statement, or thumbs up, and writing your thoughts into the chat window. Remember your ideas and questions will not only help YOU learn, but enhance the experience for everyone participating.